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Is Ocean Raised, Ocean Loved Salmon Sustainable?

The Ripple Effect

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Is Ocean Raised, Ocean Loved Salmon Sustainable?

Ocean sustainability is the approach of managing our oceans to ensure their survival for future generations. Sustainability is important, and we cannot forget our oceans when we’re thinking about living sustainably. When you take a sustainable approach to our oceans, you make sure their benefits for both people and their natural habitats remain for years to come. The oceans and in particular their coastal areas are an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem. Our ocean not only gives us leisure but also shelters millions of species that feed millions of people all around the globe. These are just some of the reasons we should all take care of our oceans. If we consciously implement ocean sustainability, we consciously take care of our food chain and help preserve the natural life cycle on earth.

Is Ocean Raised, Ocean Loved Salmon Sustainable?

Yes, ocean-raised, ocean-loved salmon is sustainable. It is also more sustainable in many ways than farmed raised salmon. In terms of ecological and environmental impacts, there are zero to low damages to the ocean.

What does ocean-raised, ocean-loved salmon mean?

We say ocean raised, ocean loved because salmon raised in the ocean is just that. Loved and raised in the ocean. Both the salmon and ocean are cared for to create sustainable, healthy, happy fish. There is little disruption in the ocean from ocean-raised, ocean loved salmon. The use of open currents and natural ecosystems allows for ocean-raised fish farmers to work with the environment vs against it. In comparison to wild-caught products, specifically wild salmons, ocean raised, ocean loved salmon are also more available and fresher when it arrives on the customer’s tables.

Farm-Raised Salmon vs Ocean Raised, Ocean Loved Salmon


There is no debate that ‘free-range food’ is a lot healthier and a lot tastier. Ocean-raised, ocean-loved salmon rely on sea currents and low density eliminating the need to use additives and other substances, such as antibiotics and oxygen. They are fed well, live in clean waters, healthy, and overall happy fish which makes for a more tasty fish.

On the other hand, fish farms consist of large amounts of fish condensed into a single area. These pens are in high density which causes pollution and contamination. This is why farmers add antibiotics. The overall health of the fish diminishes when they live in overpopulated dirty pens, which makes them less tasty.


Cost-wise, ocean-raised, ocean-loved Atlantic salmon can actually be more affordable than farm-raised fish in many cases. Because of the natural environment, there is often a lower investment for setting up ocean-raised salmon farms. And low operational expenses compared to other methods of fish farming. They can just use net pens in the ocean. This system can be located in any sea. And, therefore, enables natural breeding and growth of various types of fish. Farmers working with marine biologists confirm that these ocean pens help farmers grow natural algae and other natural food for the salmon. Open net-pen salmon farms are located in areas along the coast where they can take advantage of ocean currents to deliver oxygen to their fish and disperse their waste — all at no cost to the industry.


Both farm-raised and ocean-raised salmons are generally available. However, it depends on where you shop. We suggest you always look into the company when purchasing salmon. Look at the company’s packaging or website before purchasing. However, availability could be impacted over time if companies do not use sustainable practices. Especially if you’re considering the availability of quality salmon. Ocean raised, ocean love salmon is both sustainable & healthy. It ensures availability hopefully forever. While farm-raised salmon does not. There is a rising demand for salmon in the market. So it’s important to choose sustainable options.


Health-conscious people often prefer salmon over pork or chicken. Salmon is a great alternative protein source. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins are great for your brain, immune system, and overall health. Some of the many health benefits of salmon are the reduction of heart disease risks, weight control, and reduced inflammation. As we mentioned above, it’s so important that fish live in a healthy environment. Fish need to be fed high-quality food and should not live in overpopulated pens in order to be healthy. Ocean-raised salmon is more nutritious than typical farm-raised salmon because they live in their natural habitats and are properly cared for. There are fewer chemicals involved in the farming process, so the healthier and more natural they are.

Which Is More Sustainable?

So, which method is more sustainable in the long run? Ocean raised, ocean loved salmon is clearly the answer. One option is working against the environment while the other is working with the environment. With the utilization of the vast ocean resources, and working with vs against the environment, ocean-loved salmon is definitely more sustainable. Their pens allow for various types of seaweed and algae, crustaceans, and seafood, sea anemones to flourish. This method for salmon farming provides food security, ecology, and environment preservation by utilizing the larger ocean resource.

Looking to have sustainable salmon delivered straight to your door? Oshēn Salmon is vibrant, delicious, and sustainably raised Atlantic salmon that has a perfect combination of healthy omega-3s (DHA & EPA). No hormones or microplastics are included. So you’re eating salmon and only salmon.

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